Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LAB section 2

 “Sawasdee ka...”
“Swasdee krub..”
Sapaan itu tenu tak asing ditelingaku kala itu. Ya, sapaan ala-Thailand dengan suara yang khas merdunya.
“Excuse me, Sir. Would you help me to tell me about the procedure to use this one?”, pintaku pada teknisi Lab yang sangat baik hati.
“Ya..ya.. Chai....chai”, dengan wajah sumringah Khun Songkla atau yang lebih akrab dipanggil Phi Tha langsung mejelaskannya satu persatu sambil mempraktekan. Awesome!! Proud of you, Khun. You help us in full heart.
There are some equipments which I learned before,but I still need to learn some more. The familiar ones are autoclave, laminar flow, incubator, fermentor, centrifuge, spectrophotometer, hot air oven, shaker, microscope, etc. It is easy to understand that's operating. How about unfamiliar ones; RVA, color meter, texture analysis? ah..it's not to much difficult, I think.
“How about this one Sir, should I use distilled water to fill out the chamber?”
“Ya.. distilled water”
“Ok, Sir. Thank you so much”
“If you have problem in operating them.. please feel free to contact me”
“Chai... khun... khob khun ka..”
The only knowledge is not enough for working well in the Lab. Sometime we are confuse with the real equipments in which there is some different devices from general theory. So, manual technical guidance is absolutely needed. The only experince is also not enough. Sometime, we just follow the seniors experience without confirmation with theoritical method. That can let us to the wrong results. (I don't mention that that experince was wrong, but we need to comfirm to the theory because each sampel.. each work item has different characteristic). Both of knowledge and experinece are important.
Hemm.... bercerita mengenai laboratorium, serasa membuat laporan praktikum saja. Padahal, laporan sudah selesai dan berlalu. Hehe.. Well,let we see to Lab crew. We are from different countries, guys. Certainly I am from lovely Indonesia, so do my friend, Zjahra.
“Hi.. I'm Pick.. what's your name?”
“I'm Iis”
“Pardon? I...?”
“i-i-s.. or.. I-is”
“Oh... ok,.. I call you is
“Ah.. it's ok. Sorry for the difficult pronounsation”
“And you?”, Pick ask to my friend
“I'm Zjahra”
The same problem.. our friends from other countries can't spell Indonesian name clearly. Just about pronounsation, no problem.
Phi Tassana (secretary of FEBT department) let me and Zjahra to the class and Pick is the first friend who we met.
“How about others, Pick”
“I think they will come soon”
“So you are the first person come here. That's great!! what a dilligent student”
“No.. no.. I just... em..”
“That's right, Pick. Dilligent..”
“Haahaha...”, we are laughing then.
Pick is a nice girl from Thai. Actually her hometown is Bangkok, near to our campuss. But she stay at AIT dorm because need to use bus foe 1 hr to go to Bangkok. There are three Thai students in our classmeets; PP(puan pantaree) and Kard. They are so kind friends I meet.
“I-is.. where will you go?”, ask PP to me. She is a sweety Khun Thai.
“Library. And you?”
“Ya.. I also want to go there”
“That's good. Lets go together na..”
Bycicle is the main transprtation in AIT. Motorcycle is not permitted there, so I like AIT with its eco-transportation. PP and I bike to the library. It's not far, just 400 m from FEBT building.
“I-is. How you learn about Food Processing? It is difficult for me”
“Em.. actually I had learned in ITS, my previous campuss. It's more detail there because Food Processing was divided in many subjects in ITS”
“Oh.. really, so that you look expert”
“No.. I'm not expert. Just because of habit. But, I'm poor in Foos science so sometime I need to search in google about many terms used in Functional Food subjects”
“Em.. what term you still confuse?”
“I still don't understand about nutrigenomic, primary, secondary, tertiary functional value, and other terms”
“Oh... don't worry... it's easy”
“But.. remembering is difficult for me, PP”
“You can ask me if you don't understand na..”
“Ok,.. thank you PP”
“welcome.. we learn together”
Ah... senang sekali rasanya punya teman yang baik-baik semua, peduli, ramah. Terima kasih ya Allah. Alhamdulillah... *feeling happy

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Menari ku disini
Bersama alunan lagu ini
Terhentak kaki menyeru
Melampaui batas biru

Ku tak tahu arah langkahku
Tak maju tak juga mundur
Hanya loncatan kecil
Merangkai serpihan bunyi

Ya.. menari..
Antara ekspresi dan seni
Antara kejujuran dan keindahan
Antara rasa dan hati

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Suka duka nge-Lab di BT Building (part-2)

 “Sawasdee ka...”
“Swasdee krub..”
Sapaan itu tenu tak asing ditelingaku kala itu. Ya, sapaan ala-Thailand dengan suara yang khas merdunya.
“Excuse me, Sir. Would you help me to tell me about the procedure to use this one?”, pintaku pada teknisi Lab yang sangat baik hati.
“Ya..ya.. Chai....chai”, dengan wajah sumringah Khun Songkla atau yang lebih akrab dipanggil Phi Tha langsung mejelaskannya satu persatu sambil mempraktekan. Awesome!! Proud of you, Khun. You help us in full heart.
There are some equipments which I learned before,but I still need to learn some more. The familiar ones are autoclave, laminar flow, incubator, fermentor, centrifuge, spectrophotometer, hot air oven, shaker, microscope, etc. It is easy to understand that's operating. How about unfamiliar ones; RVA, color meter, texture analysis? ah..it's not to much difficult, I think.
“How about this one Sir, should I use distilled water to fill out the chamber?”
“Ya.. distilled water”
“Ok, Sir. Thank you so much”
“If you have problem in operating them.. please feel free to contact me”
“Chai... khun... khob khun ka..”
The only knowledge is not enough for working well in the Lab. Sometime we are confuse with the real equipments in which there is some different devices from general theory. So, manual technical guidance is absolutely needed. The only experince is also not enough. Sometime, we just follow the seniors experience without confirmation with theoritical method. That can let us to the wrong results. (I don't mention that that experince was wrong, but we need to comfirm to the theory because each sampel.. each work item has different characteristic). Both of knowledge and experinece are important.
Hemm.... bercerita mengenai laboratorium, serasa membuat laporan praktikum saja. Padahal, laporan sudah selesai dan berlalu. Hehe.. Well,let we see to Lab crew. We are from different countries, guys. Certainly I am from lovely Indonesia, so do my friend, Zjahra.
“Hi.. I'm Pick.. what's your name?”
“I'm Iis”
“Pardon? I...?”
“i-i-s.. or.. I-is”
“Oh... ok,.. I call you is
“Ah.. it's ok. Sorry for the difficult pronounsation”
“And you?”, Pick ask to my friend
“I'm Zjahra”
The same problem.. our friends from other countries can't spell Indonesian name clearly. Just about pronounsation, no problem.
Phi Tassana (secretary of FEBT department) let me and Zjahra to the class and Pick is the first friend who we met.
“How about others, Pick”
“I think they will come soon”
“So you are the first person come here. That's great!! what a dilligent student”
“No.. no.. I just... em..”
“That's right, Pick. Dilligent..”
“Haahaha...”, we are laughing then.
Pick is a nice girl from Thai. Actually her hometown is Bangkok, near to our campuss. But she stay at AIT dorm because need to use bus foe 1 hr to go to Bangkok. There are three Thai students in our classmeets; PP(puan pantaree) and Kard. They are so kind friends I meet.
“I-is.. where will you go?”, ask PP to me. She is a sweety Khun Thai.
“Library. And you?”
“Ya.. I also want to go there”
“That's good. Lets go together na..”
Bycicle is the main transprtation in AIT. Motorcycle is not permitted there, so I like AIT with its eco-transportation. PP and I bike to the library. It's not far, just 400 m from FEBT building.
“I-is. How you learn about Food Processing? It is difficult for me”
“Em.. actually I had learned in ITS, my previous campuss. It's more detail there because Food Processing was divided in many subjects in ITS”
“Oh.. really, so that you look expert”
“No.. I'm not expert. Just because of habit. But, I'm poor in Foos science so sometime I need to search in google about many terms used in Functional Food subjects”
“Em.. what term you still confuse?”
“I still don't understand about nutrigenomic, primary, secondary, tertiary functional value, and other terms”
“Oh... don't worry... it's easy”
“But.. remembering is difficult for me, PP”
“You can ask me if you don't understand na..”
“Ok,.. thank you PP”
“welcome.. we learn together”
Ah... senang sekali rasanya punya teman yang baik-baik semua, peduli, ramah. Terima kasih ya Allah. Alhamdulillah... *feeling happy

*be continued ~~

Monday, November 11, 2013

Suka duka nge-Lab di BT Building

Hemm... kenapa sampai menuliskan kisah ini? Mungkin karena diriku sudah terlalu capek sehingga butuh tempat curahan. Bukan pacar bukan boneka... aku butuh laptop dan libre office writter. Saat tiba jadwal fermentasi, aku pun harus siap bergadang, tidur 2x2 jam. Betapa tidak, variabel waktu yang acak membuatku tak bisa menghentikan fermentasi pada jam yang sama saat memulainya. Apalagi menghentikannya semauku sendiri?? Ooo.. tidak bisa!!! Selain itu, prosesnya yang ribet membuatku tak boleh pelupa dan tak boleh ceroboh. Satu langkah gagal, maka GAGAL SEMUA!!!! Oh noooooooooo..... Pernah ku gagal total 1 minggu dengan 3 running. Hemmm.... memang harus fokus!!! Terlebih, ku harus siap mental lahir batin untuk menyambut datangnya jadwal analisa protein Kjedahl. Mengapa? Mau tidak mau, aku harus rela kulit tanganku terluka oleh H2SO4 dan NaOH karena sarung tangan plastik tebalku tak mampu melindungi iritasi dan kulitku juga menjadi hitam kaku. Huhu... Tapi tak terlalu masalah, yang penting thesisku selesai dengan baik. Happ!!! Dan, kini aku punya cara baru untuk mengurangi iritasi kulit ini. Yesss!!!Bagian yang cukup santai tapi membosankan yaitu menggiling dan mengayak tepung sorgum. Pekerjaan ini bisa dilakukan kapan saja sesuai mood-ku, asalkan tidak keburu deadline! Maksudnya?? Deadline untuk ayakan tepung 60 mesh adalah saat akan mulai fermentasi dan analisa kadar protein. Untuk mengatasi kebosanan, tak lupa aku membawa laptop atau HP. Entah FB-an, youtube “Dari hati ke hati”, “Aa Gym”, lagu-lagu jadul, baca-baca resep masakan, artikel kesehatan atau sekedar lihat gambar-gambar lucu seperti pikachu, doraemon, saliormoon, dll. Yah... Gado-gado!! Dan saatnya gad-gado disajikan untuk semua, tentunya via tulisan ini. Taraaattt... Bon a petit!!

#to be continued ~~~

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Culture show AIT ??

Culture Show 2013 is a memorable event, always. Dengan tema “rainbow of life”, tim INDOENSIA benarr-benar melukis rainbow dalam performance maupun proses mulai dari persiapan hingga pembubaran panitia. Dalam waktu hanya satu bulan dan personil yang cukup terbatas, INDONESIA berhasil memborong 4 piala dan menjadi juara umum kedua dari 7 negara. Jika dibandingkan dengan Juara umum 1, SDM kita kalah jauh karena juara umum 1, yakni Sri Langka memiliki ratusan mahasiswa dan banyak mahasiswa undergraduate mereka ikut berpartisipasi. Sedangkan kita, pesertanya mahsiswa master dan doktoral tingkat akhir. Bisa dibayangkan perbedaan SDMnya kan? Dan lagi-lagi aku bangga dengan INDONESIA dengan segala keterbatasan mampu memborong 4 piala, terlebih 2 piala adalah juara 1 dan yang lain adalah juara 2. Proud of you. Belum lagi, kendala saat tampil sangatlah berat. Saat tari kontemporer tampil, musik mati di tengah jalan. DEPPP!!! Untung saja musik mati saat diam(transisi gerakan), dan akhirnya kita mendapat kesempatan kedua kali untung mengulang dari awal. Tak hanya itu, 2 peserta mundur sebelum tampil karena alasan yang darurat. Masalah kesehatan. Seketika kami harus mengambil tindakan cepat H-3 jam. Dan akhirnya, performance was well done. Mengganti personil bukanlah hal yang mudah terlebih dengan gerakan tari yang seabrek. Hemmm... luarrrr biasa!!
Tepuk supporter ala INDOENESIA dan lagu “iwak peyek” senantiasa heboh dan menghebohkan orang-orang se-AIT. Bahkan, banyak dari mereka yang tiba menyanyikan lahu iwak peyek dengan lirik “nananana... nanana nana nana...”, karena saking seringnya kami membuat heboh suasana kompetisi dengan lagu itu. Wal hasil, INDONESIA pun terkenal dan menjadi trand setter. Tahukah kalian? Saat kami berkumandang “INDONESIA.......”, orang-orang non-Indonesia pun banyak yang ikut bertepuk “Prok-prok prok prok prok prok!!!”. Bahkan, tak jarang mereka dari Pakistan maupun Sri Langka yang ikut berteriak INDONESIA!!!. So awesome!!!. Tepuk dan lagu ala Indonesia ini sangat familiar saat mini olympic(sport competition) dan show, baik welcome show maupun culture show. *)Welcome show sebenarnya mirip dengan culture show, bedanya hanyalah culture show lebih dominan dan fokus ke budaya.